Wednesday, March 31, 2010

He Still Came

Monday, March 8, 2010

Jimmy of New York on Savage 2/25/2010

Link to Audio Clip HERE.
Jimmy discusses the C-word.  Savage discusses Fabian Socialism, The Frankfurt School and Herbert Marcuse.
Related Essay: The Origins of Political Correctness by Bill Lind, February 5, 2000
Related Article: Political correctness has replaced British Politics!

The Frankfurt school recommended (amongst other things):
  1. the creation of racism offences
  2. continual change to create confusion
  3. the teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
  4. the undermining of schools and teachers' authority
  5. huge immigration to destroy national identity
  6. the promotion of excessive drinking
  7. emptying the churches
  8. an unreliable legal system with bias against the victim of crime
  9. dependency on the state or state benefits
  10. control and dumbing down of media
  11. encouraging the breakdown of the family
Sound Familiar?